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Selectmen's Minutes August 12, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
 August 12, 2003

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7pm.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to approve the minutes of August 5, 2003.  All were in favor.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Road Agent David Kenneally, Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio, and Building Inspector Dave Paveglio

Highway- Road damage, a lot of roads are washed out due to all the rain.  Main Street by  the library is washing out, the State needs to do further repairs, more rain will cause a problem. David needs to reorder the handicap signs for the Community Building; they have not showed up yet.

PD- The stop sign on Bear Hill Rd & East Ricker Rd is all set. The Board requested a “stop sign ahead” sign be purchased and installed by the highway department.

Jeff Miller’s background check is all set.  Old Home Day – there will not be parade this year. Pat is doing a Kid Id Day along with a Dunking Booth. Set-up preparations were discussed among all the departments.  The police are participating in the Police v. Fire Softball Game scheduled for 4pm.  

The dead tree at the fire station is getting worse with all the rain, limbs are falling off. This is a serious hazard.  Richard will drive to Division 5 in Hooksett to get that taken care of.  

FD- Rescue 2 is in full service and has gone on a couple calls already. The department will have an official “wetting down ceremony” for the truck. The department, spearheaded by Melinda Ritchie will be doing some active recruiting at OHD.
John Luikmil has scouts that want to help with parking. Discussion around parking designation and activities involving OHD took place again.     

The Board asked the status of the Fire Department checking account.  Deputy Paveglio deferred that question, asking that it be answered by the Chief, who was not present.  However, the department is no longer paying bills; they are all being processed through the Selectmen’s Office.

Discussion ensued around doing away with the town credit card and going to a debit card thereby being available to the departments  for emergency purchases,  with no outside costs being incurred by the town.  Lisa will check into this with the bank.

Building Inspector- In order to do inspections on town buildings, Dave needs assistance from the fire department.  The school was inspected when the new addition was completed and the fire department is working with the principal on areas of concern.  The Community Building was inspected last year at the request of the Historical Society.  The fire department should know the condition of their bldg, so that leaves the grange and the library.  The Highway Shed is new, but an inspection should be done to at least make sure fire extinguishers are properly located.  The Board agreed to the fire department choosing their own representative but the bldg inspector will head up the inspections. A time-frame of completion by Fire Safety Week in October 2003 was given.  Mike will bring it before the officers at their next meeting in a couple weeks.  The library and the town shed need to have Knox boxes installed.  

Dave has received a request from the homeowner at 58 Granny Howe Rd regarding replacing a mobile home with a log home.  The Selectmen have already set a precedent with their decision on Horse Corner Rd and told Mr. Paveglio the same rules apply to this case.  The options are to add on to the existing structure or get on the waiting list for next year in which case an impact fee would apply if the building is off from the original footprint.  

The question of time frame for a project came up in regards to Mr. Mullaney’s proposed storage units on the corner of Dover Rd and Main Street.  The Board referred Mr. Paveglio to the Planning Board secretary for clarification.  

Issues such as these should be forwarded to the Planning Board for interpretation and opinion given back the Board of Selectmen.  

SUBJECT: Budget Committee
Present: Steve MacCleery & Bruce Dyke

The general schedule for the fall was discussed.  The Board would like to have the committee involved throughout the whole process right from the beginning. The Selectmen are in favor of meeting with the department heads with the budget committee present.

All budgets will be due October 14th, 2003.  The schedule will start with the smaller department on October 21st. Lisa will schedule the major departments for 10/28.  
Chairman Colbert will bring up the CIP to the Planning Board.  It should be updated annually.  Chairman Colbert will contact Tracy Scott, Planning Board Chairman and inquire as to the status.

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SUBJECT: 54 Swiggey Brooke Rd
Present: Mr. & Mrs. Dell  Vermette

Mr. Vermette was here in response to his zoning violation letter from the town.  Mr. Vermette provided the Selectmen’s Office with a copy of his building permit for the project and discussed his side of the situation with the Board.  The Selectmen will review the information brought forward and make a decision and forward Mr. Vermette and carbon copy to Mr. Luksza, a letter with the results of their decision.  

 Mr. Vermette then asked the Board what they were going to do about all the alleged violations by his neighbor Mr. Luksza.  The Board asked Mr. Vermette to put them in writing and present them to the Board and they will act on them as they come in.  

SUBJECT: Hilliard Rd
Present: Mr. Larry Bellemare

Mr. Bellemare is interested in purchasing the Flanders property.  The Selectmen explained they were not interested in selling the property at this time for financial reasons.  Mr. Bellemare informed the Board that the property was not secure.  The town has spent money for locks in the past, but will have the Police Department look into the situation.  


Water Tests results were just received in the mail today.  The Board will look over during the week at their leisure and Lisa will put it on agenda for next week’s discussion.

The Board reviewed a request for the town meeting to be video taped and that the minutes be more extensive.  The Board will forward this request to the Town Clerk and the Moderator for their feedback.  

The Board would like to use the letter compiled from Doug Hall for the revaluation mailing.  They will modify as needed and forward it to Avitar for inclusion with their distribution.  

Lisa requested closing the office next Wed. and Thurs. in order for the staff to begin the financial data conversion.  Motion Selectmen Arey and Seconded by Chairman Colbert to close the Selectmen’s Office on Wednesday August 20th and Thursday August 21st.  Motion carried.   Lisa will post in the paper and the appropriate spots around town as well as on the Web.  

Motion to adjourn  by  Selectman Arey, Seconded by Selectman DeBold at 10:50pm.  All were in favor.  
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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                                            Approved As Corrected  

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